Monday, January 26, 2009

indian heroes (26/11)

India's real heroes during 26/11

jawwano ko mera salaam

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

fight(comp with izrael)

hey friends today i got intresting comperision with izrael isnt my bad view with this but it is true so please dont take that seriosly 

izrael the country which is coverd with many arab countries but he have dare to do that so i am impressed verryy much izralel is suffring with hamaas as like india with pakistan but many diffrents beetwen india and izrael becaz when hamaaz get ataack on any of izrael'z peoplez suddenly izrael attacks on hamaas's all the main grants and doubtfull plasec of it! but india is like a circus we only see thought we have the proofs!huh (terribl)izrael attacked in hamaas last time with 64 fighter planes when hamaas got killed some of izraels rescidenses (like 6-7) when m writin there will be more than 640 been killed that caz of izrael's darring and many of caz that we dont have we are powerfull to kick pak like a footbaal and get him n the line.but we need many darring and to get against of all the countrys helpin it!.. izrael attacked but it wasnt new they planed of many months and they attacked on hamaas's terror camp, weapon base and many of office to keep lower violance of civilian izraek warned them to go away from there. hammas is also in mood of war hamaas warned izrael that also they can atack with misile and another weapons but izrael ignored it and keep it on.when izraels 5 civilian been killed by them than suddnly they attacks on hamaas and get they destroyed but we have bad luck that we got bad political leaders and another reason !. new presidnt of america is also get tentioned caz that and hes thinking it greatly to get answer og it but izrael is country that they dont listen to it when america get told izrael to dont to attacke on hamaas than izrael answered that the people been killed was ourz not americas(we have to learn the prize of civilians from this ) and it keep ataackin. but we can also be as izrael but we need that dare and kill them who kills our civilian in our country india ask america to just throw a stone but izrael is country that they do watever they want.they arent frightened with america.

     there is an reason after that caz izrael got a friend that to help in any reason its america not like our.when izrael offred us during 11/26 to send them comandos but we refused it i got impressed with that caz hum kisi se kam nahi!!! but when izrael offered ur to just get them fuel and they will destroy all of pakistans weapon sites but we liek g** we got compromise with pak that dont to attack on weapon sites thats unbearable. 

  other thing is when palanstiane(enemy of izrl) offered to get leave with peace than izrael told that to leave there like outhouse and till they dont let them do that reason was in their voice "we dont want that your people come in our area and kill our people and get blast on our place so they refused that but our poor people just tell them that come in our area and kill us like :P no one country want to get war with izrael caz it got a powerfull friend like america izrael got aim like its better to dont friendship with manyu frnds just with a dare friend that can hepl in any time ! america get use weapons and than suddenly give to izrael so it got powerfull america also hepl them in audik!.. out it all one think is that we have to upgread our self and get ready with weapons just to attack and get them in the order. we just have to dare one time to do that all of country wiill be in our side i hope1!

great qoute- hum do hamaare do baki sab terrorist banake india bhej do (think of :Pak ppl)

jk dont take it frkly!!